Friday, July 28, 2017



It's been one of those weeks - again.  Summer storms are a bit unpredictable, but nice all the same.  It has put a slowdown on miles and kind of dampened enthusiasm.  Its hard to keep a focus with all the distraction, but weather can make it more problematic.  I've learned the hard way, riding in bad weather has a lot of consequences.  There are times it is simply unavoidable, but it's best to avoid the issue when possible.  Water and dirt in the small moving parts of the bike create problems down the road, not necessarily when you're in the storm.  The risk of getting sick is also an issue.  Both of these are not immediate and have caused serious problems in the past.

Last night I was completely spent -for who knows why.  This morning was kind of slow getting started, so I took the time to do three hours of a solid speed tempo ride.  Having only been on the road once earlier this week, I had to bridge the gap with the indoor spin bike.  The times at key places this morning were all pretty good, so I don't think I lost too much.  Still, I think I was a little under the weather and needed a little break.

Miles being only one metric, I also track the total hours for a week.  Right now I should be a solid 12 -15 hours each week at an elevated rate.  A long with diet, these are the three keys to watch for the next 5 weeks.  Increasing protein with an increase in hours (and miles) are going to be critical.  Allowing for makeup routines, I can make it work -  if I stay focused.

And then there is the fundraising:  I really haven't even started and time is getting critically close.  What to do/

Ride Hard!

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