Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Gotta Start Somewhere....................

Mid-Season and a lot to do.

Every year has it's struggles.  This year has been no different, trying to fight off another "five year curse", but I'm not superstitious.  I'm little behind on miles, dealing with a few minor mechanical issues and general conditioning...........well, there is a lot yet to do.  Fundraising is another story, but even more pathetic to date.

As always, there have been too many new reasons to join the fight with Huntsman Cancer, but I won't dwell on them this year - in the blog anyway.  It is still my personal motivation that I will keep to myself for the most part.  

Now that you are here, I will focus on the over weight, over aged, over ambitious sorry excuse for a bike rider, that is trying to train for the one big race of the year - LOTOJA (Logan To Jackson).  For some of you, this will be familiar as you may be a rider, or former rider yourself.  For others, it will be foreign, to the point of what may otherwise appear as self-deprecating stupidity.   Regardless, follow along with somebody who really has no business being on bicycle, trying to make it another successful year both riding and fundraising.

Blog Disclaimer

I'm not very good at this - any of it, whatever it is.  I'll do my best to make the pages easy to use and perhaps leave comments.  Be prepared; as a terrible writer I'm bound to drive many of you literary types crazy with my "pigeon" grammar.

To date I'm at a paltry 1200 miles, about 17 pounds over budget and lacking motivation.  The one advantage I do have at this point; a ton of experience.  Now I just need to plan, focus and execute.  Staying healthy is also key, like not over doing it, as I did tonight.  But like the underdog fighter that staggers back to the corner at the bell, after having the crap kicked out of him, would say; "I've got him just where I want him".

Ride hard..........................

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