Tuesday, July 23, 2024

A pretty big boost.....


Anyone for a "Star-Burger"?

A reliable supporter.....

As has been the case for sooooo many years, one of the sisters jumped in again. Yep - a true stud in my book. It has been a crazy three years, dealing with some mutual issues, but we are finally through it - COMPLETELY! And now on to the next chapter, whatever that may be. What is for sure; I'm absolutely grateful for all she has done over the past 60 plus years. One of my most favorite exchange, Christmas gifts of all times was nearly 50 years ago (actually 47, but who's counting?) - "Band On The Run". Thanks for everything sis. You are truly an inspiration. (see the link below for the track selection)

Tire mods on the Hardtail

A different kind of riding - for now

Having swapped the dirt tires for the "Serfas - Drifter" commuter tires, I've been doing virtually everything on the hardtail. I added an inexpensive cycle-computer as to have a better idea of real-time rolling ground-speed. Definitely not anywhere near as quick as the road bike, but kind of fun to ride all the same. The rolling resistance is not too bad, especially on the new gravel over on SR39, but the lack of anything "arow" really cuts back on the overall speed. What are normally quick tempo rides out and back in the mornings have become a serious leg workout, as there is literally no letting up. Unfortunately, I'm not really pushing the heartrate up at all. As a matter of fact, my overall heartrate is staying sub-aerobic nearly 90% of the ride. That goofy little "bike trail" that so many people think is meant to keep ALL bikes off the road, is a bit of a joke. The hardtail is a very good choice on that thing, given all the inconsistencies, variations and general obstructions encountered. Some of the other bike riders on that trail are sketchy - to say the least. So much for general trail etiquette. 

The end of a session on the hill - Top of Durfee

Back to the old reliable - RACKS

Many an evening spent running stairs in my younger days. It's not glamorous and generally rather boring, but there is no substitute for interval training. Anymore, the only way I can seem to get my heartrate up is to do hill intervals, which are pretty much like the old days of stairs (racks). Even there, I'm gradually losing ground with the heartrate, as I track it very closely with my Garmin. I've not been in Zone 5 for nearly five weeks and am now starting to spend more time in Zone 3 than Zone 4. I'm told this means I'm getting stronger, but I think I'm just adapting. It may be time to add a few twists to that part of the program, as to push it even harder. Darn boring, but a necessity all the same. I can't count the number of times I have done that stupid hill.

More to come

Time is getting short and I need to make some improvements. Moreso, I need to get out of the Valley, whether up Monte, or over Trappers. At this point it is matter of, will be on the hardtail or the Six-13. Also need to start pushing the "swag" and other Porpoise things. We're darn near near out of July! Before you know it, the kiddos will be back in school and it will be time for the Cache Valley Century. Time just flies by.........

True inspiration and motivation......

"Band on the run" was the third complete studio album by "Paul McCartney & Wings". I've said it before and will stand by it; Paul's best work was definitely with Linda - say what you will. She was the reason - the impetus for everything he did from 1969 until here untimely death. Sure Denny was a solid contributor during Wings, but had it not been for her, there wouldn't have ever been Wings. Sometimes there is simply no substitute for true inspiration and motivation. "Helen Wheels" was a song about their trusty Range Rover. If you've read some of my previous posts from many years ago, you'll also recognize "Helen Wheels" from that same period in my very young and impressionable life. Hell-on-wheels............

Pulling for Reed. Ride HARD!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


 Familiar Places, Changing the Methodology

The image above is from the main gate of the former Trappist Monk Monastery. Early morning rides up this way have always been more a tempo ride, than anything too stressful. Given the conditions of some of the roads this year, I'm still not crazy about taking the road-bike out. A very good work-around has been to swap tires on the hardtail for some extra wide commuter treads, still going tubeless. Along with navigating the numerous construction sections, it is also riding on the notorious "bike path" part way across the valley. This is technically a pedestrian pathway, as it is not conducive to riding a fast road-bike - for multiple reasons. The hardtail with the faster rolling treads allow for quick transitions in and out of the trail. The variations in elevation also make for a bit of an interval type thing. I'll pickup up the trail just off the end at River Drive, cut around Eden Park and jump across the highway to catch it again by the elementary school. On it around the back side of the lake to SR 39 at Huntsville. Aside from that, it is still pretty much the same route I'll take on the Six-13. The hardtail does run out of gears on one downhill at about 38 MPH. Aside from that, it is a constant effort pedaling - quite a bit more than on a road-bike. I still need to replace the front ring with a couple more teeth. It's a great ride early in the morning - the earlier the better.

Wild Onions....

Recent light rain sprinkles have really brought out the familiar smells. Sure, it is a little sticky in the mornings before the sun breaks over the mountains, but it is that reminder of what I knew as a very little kid. Early mornings trudging through the dew laden sagebrush to go fishing with my dad....it still smells the same. Our house is built in the middle of a lot of Gamble-Oak and Maples. The wild onions take root in that rich soil with a tiny flower and a very large smell. It is only for a very short period when it does happen. Some years it doesn't happen, but when it does - it is home. Sure it's hard to get motivated some mornings, but I know it has to be done. Whether it being longer rides, or 90 minutes of hill intervals, you just have to push past the lack of motivation and inspiration and shove-off. It sure gets lonely some days. But then the smells take me back to my youth and put my mind almost right.

...tell him your plans.

The Vanzant bothers did a little thing a few years back that deserves a little attention. How true it is; "You hear God laugh? Tell him your plans". I guess sometimes we do get a little full of ourselves. It is better to have a plan, as it at least gets you going in that general direction. Just be prepared for a little disappointment along the way.

Pulling for Reed. Ride HARD!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Making it work....

 Improvised Riding 

I've done this long enough to know about training conflicts. From having to travel in the middle of the season, to just scheduling conflicts - you have to flexible and willing. On normal years (whatever that means), I would be stacking some longer rides on the road bike, but it seems I haven't been anywhere close to normal in maybe...... the last decade - and getting worse. Training rides are sometimes hard to get up for, as it is anything but recreational. Add to that, the garbage road conditions in the upper valley, dragging the Six-13 out for a spin is just not attractive.  The hardtail is getting a lot of saddle time, as it is a good substitute for the road bike. Sure, I run out of gears, as well as the added wind resistance from sitting more upright, but for 40+ mile tempo rides, it is non-stop peddling. Still this morning, I caught sight of a couple roadies up ahead into Huntsville that presented an opportunity.  Forearms over the straight bars and into my fastest gear - well, lets just say they were a little humiliated when they heard the trail-bell blowing by. Not that I could have kept that pace for a solid hour, but I'm sure I could have given it a pretty good try. 

Sunday evening's ride was on the full-sus, up the oldest trail in North Fork - the original Bicentennial Trail. There are a ton of newer trails all around that same area, with faster and easier riding features, but knowing where to watch for the original trail is an advantage. We placed that sign (and about five others) up there over nine years ago. Something about the old and familiar that has a certain sweetness that is just hard to explain.  Sure, steep and rocky in a few places, but that is the way I remember from well more than 40 years ago - before anybody had mountain bikes. I remember the first time I rode that on my original full-sus (DB-X2), I thought how gnarly it seemed to be.  Ah, but the reliable Trek Fuel EX is a worthy machine for the task. Just look at all the nicks and scrapes on that thing. Paint worn off the seat-stay triangle, paint worn off on the 172 crank-arms...that has been a workhorse for sure. The Conti Der Kiaser's have a lot of drag, but man can they hook-up! I whish I were heading to Colorado, or even Wyoming this year, but those darn scheduling conflicts are making it less than possible this year. I still have North Fork - I just have to share it with other riders these days. It's not fair that I can live right here while others have to drag their bikes up from the netherlands. Oh well........

It never gets old

As much as I try to get a good burn with these rides, sometimes it is just a good thing to stop and look around. Especially in the evenings when it has been hot during the day, I can usually get a couple hours on the trails in the shade. Even those evenings that I have to suffer through hill climbing intervals, I can generally do it with out any annoying traffic. Hills are the equivalent of the many evenings of my youth, running stairs by myself. Having the discipline to push yourself harder than you really want, takes a ton of willingness and desire. No crowds to cheer you on. It is the price to be paid for any success. All that said, the suffering and endurance is worth every bit of the resulting temporary discomfort. Sure, while in the midst of it all you really can't see the end result, but when you are done.....it is done. The payoff doesn't come for yet another day - along ways away.

Lets see what the next week looks like. A lot of ground to regain, but very doable assuming things don't get too sideways.

Pulling for Reed. Ride HARD!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Things are just not lining up

 Unforeseen obstacles

Looking at the most recent post, it is obvious I've gotten a bit off track. In fact, lets call it sideways.  The details really don't matter, rather it has been one challenge after another. Add to that, getting past some physical obstructions. It takes focus to stay on track and diligence to remain focused. But having things constantly pile-up is taking all of my energies to simply stay a-float. That is just life. I looking to turn a few corners in the next week or so....


I'll take the hardtail out whenever I can -be it a ride to a ball game, or over to a neighbors house (several miles away). It takes more effort to ride than on the road bike, but it fly's compared to the full-sus. Usually by now I will have stacked some really good base miles, but not this year. Still, the hardtail is enjoyable given the garbage conditions of the roads in the upper valley this summer.
An evening hardtail ride out to Point Bluff, on my way to a ballgame in Huntsville.

Back on the Mule

For the past twenty or so years, there has been a section of rough (and getting rougher by the year) climbing single-track that I can ride from right out of the garage. I've talked about it countless times over the years, but the overlook atop of Mules Ear is my quiet place. Sure, you can walk it, but pushing the old body as hard as possible just makes it a little more sweet - or so it seems. A lot has changed over last several years, but the last mile or so to the top is still as rough and gnarly as ever. Again, this year, they have made several trail improvements down lower and even added trails halfway up the switchbacks. Long sweeping turns with sections wide enough to expect curb & gutter - it is a far cry from when it was a quiet little trail for bush-whackers. There were a couple places that bucked me off, but it is to be expected for my first time up during the year. At that, its kind of late for it to be my first time up to the top. Looking at the Garmin stats, I get a much better session in about the same time period by doing simple repeating hill intervals, but there is something about getting to the overlook that brings a little peace to ones soul. Of course the ride out is always fast and fun, but just that moment at the top is all worth the effort alone.

..How old would you be...

We lost Toby this last winter to the Big-C. That one kind of hit home, as there were so many things I could relate to in his story. We've lost far too many over the years....it's hard to keep track. When Paul lost Linda some 25 odd years ago, that was truly the end of the band. Add to those my personal friends and associates, it sure makes one feel less than immortal than when we were younger. But am I really that old? Perhaps I can feel the lack of mitochondria, but other times I feel like the youngster bucking hay. I suppose it's all in the head - until the body says otherwise. As Toby said; "How old would you be if you didn't know when you were born?" I suppose some day it will end, but until then, ride like you are still a little kid - just don't crash.

Pulling for Reed! - Ride HARD!