Thursday, September 24, 2020

Dirt Only


Definitely the best time of year.
With the road season officially over (like it really ever started), everything now is dirt.  There is a lot competing for time at the moment, and there is no sign of that changing anytime soon.  With the sparse time riding, it's time to make some adjustments and begin working toward next spring.  Starting with pedals, it seemed like a good idea to go back to my SPDs.  Riding the same trail I've been doing all year, it should have been just a little adjustment, considering I rode with SPDs for twenty years before switching.  Lets just say it was not at all enjoyable - rather frustrating.  Perhaps I need to try Mallets with some cleat shims.  I also swapped out the XR3 tires with a set of Conti "Der Kaiser Projekt 2.4".  Comparing these to the Bontrager XR3 2.4, they are more like a 2.5+, and very grippy.  One of the tech reviews said "...they hookup like a college kid on Tinder".  Boy, was that spot on.  The larger profile does handle the rocks and roots very well, but the stability on the way down was noticeable - very comfortable. Getting them on the wheels was a challenge, but the beads popped right in to place at only 40 PSI.  Running them at 23 PSI, felt more like about 18 PSI, as they are supple.  We'll see how well the sidewalls hold up with the rocks and roots.


The plan last night was to get home early enough for a tire swap, brake service and fast trail ride.  Another intentional "accident" had me stuck on a mountain side with a rescue for more than two hours.  Getting out of there, I had to drive all the way around to Ogden canyon, as I was parked below the "incident" and couldn't get past them.  Rather than wait, I just wanted to get out of there, but it was far too late for any riding. Just being around that crap is draining - mentally depleting.  Getting out tonight was well needed therapy.  About half way through the top switch backs, one of the high school teams rolled up from behind.  Spread out for a solid ten minutes, it really threw a wrench into the works.  Then some jack-wagon had his dog up there, and it followed the school kids to the top.  When I came around, it followed me up to the overlook, and then all the way back to Cutler.  That stupid mutt was getting under my wheels in some of the faster sweeping turns, making it hard to get away from him.  So much for therapy tonight.  Two nights ago it was another high school team that plugged up the trails.  All that aside, it still beats dealing with most other stuff on a daily basis.


This year is perhaps three weeks early on the fall colors.  The trails are already seeing a ton of leaf cover, as the season seems to have peaked.  The rain we had last Saturday was swallowed up by the very dry conditions.  The trail was dusty Sunday night, to the point you'd never know it had rained hard only twenty-four hours earlier.  There have been a lot of late season riders this year.  Only two years ago, you could go out anytime after Labor Day and never see anyone on the trails.  It is busier now in the evenings than it has been all year.  A lot of trail hikers this year, simply enjoying the colors, while more and more down-hill riders hitting it hard.  Autumn still is my favorite time of year - always has been.  Getting to do this right out of my garage is something I hope to never take for granted.  
Somebody has to do it.......may as well be me.  You'd better get onto it before the season gets any later.

Ride HARD!

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Lets try this again - The Summary

 The campaign

Donations rolled in late Friday and Early Saturday putting us at the goal.  Talking to my contact at Huntsman, donations and participation was down across the board.  Something like only 51 final participants, of which I only saw a few Huntsman jerseys all day long.  Pretty much all other fundraising efforts for Huntsman were scrapped this year.  Turns out, LOTOJA was it for the fundraising campaign.  Within LOTOJA, there were a lot of people that either had to drop out, or couldn't travel to Utah for the race.  I know there were my own personal doubts, but somehow......

New to the "Porpoise" this year was the one that put us over the top.  My better-half's brother (and awesome fam) came in big time. He works in the field and sees the heartbreak that results from the Big-C.  He (they) also lost their mother to this garbage a few years ago.  Not that anyone needs that much exposure to understand the devastation, but he (they) all know it too well.  This particular donation came in with some thunder, and truly made a difference toward the race-day attitude.  "Spiking it over the goal-line!". Big thanks Na and awesome fam. 

Two others that came in last week were the Sis'. Yep, my reliable sisters that always keep me inline.  Long time supporters of the "Porpoise", in fact supporters from the very beginning - they are rather great for "older chicks" (can I even say that?).  If you've read the posts over these years, you'll know their significance.  Both of them gave me two of my most memorable Christmas gifts in the form of vinyl. Of course, when they donate, I have to ride to finish.  Thanks you guys.
From the fast dirt ride late last night, on the middle switch-backs.

Jersey Markings

As done on past several occasions, I marked up my race jersey the night before the race (see earlier posts). If you look back over the years you'll see others, and appreciate the significance.  It makes a difference to me personally.

On my left sleeve (blue) was in memory of a kid from High School.  No, we weren't "close buddies", but he is still a Scot.  We came from different Junior High Schools and met early on in our sophomore year.  That year was significant on many levels.  We were all ten feet tall and bullet proof.  We had arrived at the big time - at least in our own minds. We didn't know any better and life was good.  By the time we hit graduation, the facade had faded, the innocence spent and........well, welcome to the world. When I informed another mutual friend of his passing, he took it pretty hard.  Add to that his own physical and personal difficulties, it seemed only right to carry that on my shoulder come race day. 

On My right sleeve (orange) is the name of my support crew-boss' father.  A little older than I, but has been a pretty active fellow.  Last year he was hit with his own battle that has been a significant change in lifestyle - to say the least. His situation does not allow for occasional breaks, or relief.  He has no option other than endure.  On one of my rides back from Woodruff, this was front and center in my mind. During the race, I kept that thought and pushed through every time I thought I wanted to stop for a second.  I had pre-planned stopping points and having that on my shoulder kept me from stopping anywhere outside of those. There is no comparison between his situation and what I experienced.  Although I pushed through each time, I still was able to enjoy lengthy respites at nearly every feed zone.  Thanks for the ride "H".  This one was for you.......

The Race (and ride)

Nervous as always, the race group 800 series was 06:00 (cold and dark).  They showed 50 racers on the list, but I'd guess it to be something less than that at the line. The basic kit (no company "colors" this year), with arm-warmers and long finger Rossi's.  The temperature when I got out of the truck was something like 42°F.  I took only two bottles, versus the three I've started with for the past ten years.  Two Gu's under each leg gripper, two Ensure Plus in the middle pocket, fruit snacks and Jolly Ranchers in the left pocket, a banana, phone and Stinger Waffle in the right pocket - I was set for a good ride.

Logan to Montpelier

With the dark start, a Motor-Marshal riding behind us gave some light through the group.  Most guys had some type of tail light, mainly to provide a little view of the back wheel. The rolling neutral was faster than 15 MPH, although too dark to see the display.  As we got out to Idaho, it was getting colder by the mile.  I was later told the 06:20 pack showed 28°F at Preston.  By the time we got to the first climb and in to Riverdale (in the river bottoms), a lot of riders had no use of their hands.  When I tried to drop the front ring at that climb, the index wouldn't release due to the cold (eventually it did). Things stayed pretty calm for the first few miles up Idaho 36.  Somewhere around Mink Creek it seems, I got dropped on a climb/roller.  Perhaps 45 - 48 miles into the race. This was expected and I didn't panic.  That said, my race was over and was now just out for a long ride.  Planned, short stops at the false summit (MP 17) and summit (MP 22) allowed me to pound the Ensures and some water. The descent off of the top was pretty fast and had a couple good groups.  Out past Ovid, a couple miles from the feed zone, I let the group I was on go ahead, as it became a little sketchy.  A couple really big groups came right up, including the fastest Mens Cat V.  Again, I let them go without hooking on.  The time to Montpelier was close to my plan, but after that, things would change.

Montpelier to Salt River Pass & Afton/Thayne

I spent more time than usual in the feed zone at Montpelier.  From here I wouldn't see my support until Thayne, Wyoming (18 miles past the usual Afton).  Heading up the canyon was predictable, with some traffic issues at the pilot car stop.  As planned, I stopped at the big bend for a few minutes (business).  Talked with a couple of the radio guys manning that stretch and headed for the climb over the top.  I had planned to stop at the brake-check before descending for some fuel, but chose instead to bomb into Geneva and get to the water stop just over the Idaho/Wyoming line.  Hooking on to a couple small groups, the water stop came pretty fast.  I took a little water, pounded an Ensure and headed for King of the Mountain (KoM/QoM).  The winds were mostly favorable and I really didn't try to hook on to groups unless it was absolutely convenient.  Just before the KoM timing strip, I stopped (a little too long) to stretch, push a Gu and drink some water.  That climb wasn't bad - until the last 1K, where there was a dead deer laying across our path into the finish.  It looked like it had exploded - literally.  Add to this, being gassed from the climb, it made for a memorable arrival at the feed zone.  I think this was the first time I have stopped at this feed zone, but knowing I would have to neutral through Afton, I was making sure I had water and pickle juice.  This time I spent way too much time in that feed zone - which would be the theme for the rest of the day.  Leaving the feed zone for the fast descent toward Smoot, I was sure either I'd catch a group, or one would catch me.  Turns out, I caught a woman racer and dragged her along until we caught another guy.  With both of them on my wheel, our speed was pretty good, but I was expecting somebody to catch us - which didn't happen.  The one and only time I rolled off the front to let the other guy pull, he really struggled.  After about 2 minutes, I jumped out front and pulled the three of us almost to After before he had a flat.  The two of us left found the neutral in Afton, where I took up home for a while and called my new support crew (I'll explain later).  

The Afton route took us several blocks to the east adding some miles before we got back on the highway.  One other guy and I worked together all the way to Thayne (18 miles) in what turned out to be just over 22 minutes.  But there was nobody else to help.  At that feed zone, I considered taking up residency, as I stayed there way too long - for no reason what so ever.  By this point, it was just nice day and I was in no hurry to end it. Spending more time alone was pretty much what I was after, and that is what the rest of the day would look like.

Thayne to Alpine and Home

Leaving Thayne alone was not the best idea.  However, given the lack of any groups, that was the order of the remaining ride.  Pretty much solo to Alpine, the winds were mostly favorable.  At Alpine I met up with my original support, that earlier I had sent forward to support another racer.  Again time at this feed zone was pretty.....too long.  The next 24 mile up Snake River Canyon was a total solo ride - by my choice.  This is the most beautiful part of the ride, and I really enjoyed the hour it took to get to Hoeback.  A quick stop at the new neutral for the last Ensure and a Redbull (and dropping trash), I had 28 miles to go.

Traffic at the roundabout was backed up, but not really a problem for most bikes. Just past the narrow pass, they took us of onto a detour that was interesting.  The first couple miles had a deceptive uphill grade - 10 MPH kind of deceptive.  Over the top of that stretch, the road wound its way toward the Snake River.  At that point, there was a steep, unpaved section - far too long to walk.  The road here was't road base, nor was it gravel.  Lets qualify it as officially sketch-city. Directly at the bottom of what physics would suggest an otherwise fast descent, was a hard left-hand turn onto a bridge across the Snake.  This had two rows of planking for vehicle tires, with a support deck on either side, as well the center.  If you weren't on the planking, you'd have to stop to lift your bike back onto the road at the other side.  Not that the planking was a lot better, as they were loose and presented the potential of pinch plats.  Directly off this bridge was a very steep climb, for maybe 200 feet.  At the top was a double set of exceptionally wide cattle guards.  Flying over the bridge, I really didn't notice the abrupt grade at the other end, and was in my big ring upfront for that short climb.  As I hit the cattle guards, the intense vibration brought me to a near stall just as I rolled onto the asphalt (lucky).

By the time I got over to the heart-breaker (last hill before Jackson) I could see individual riders in both directions, but no groups.  After crossing the highway, I could see two individual riders that looked like an opportunity, but I was having trouble getting a Jolly Rancher into my mouth for the last part of the ride and didn't catch them.  A mile of two before the turnoff to the High School, I hooked on to a couple guys that would be ending their ride up there.  When they turned off for their finish, I still had almost eleven miles to go - alone.  I did manage to real-in a couple individuals, but they were of no use to me at that point. Finally on the Wilson/Teton Highway, and just under seven miles to go, it was all business.  Alternating between out of the saddle and down gripping the top of the shifters, I was carrying a pretty good clip.  There have been other years that this stretch has really been hard to deal with mentally.  This year, I had more than enough to drive it home.  One guy tried to hook on at around 1K or 2K out.  Not that it mattered, as I gave it everything left in the tank.  With my head down on the bars, in a seated sprint, I finished with a sense of dignity. Coasting in, sitting on the top tube, there wasn't the normal mob of people to stop me, or get my timing chip (due to Covid).  Rather, at the end of the chute, just prior to the trail, they were there asking us to remove our chips and hand them over.  It started different and ended different, but still a great day.


Considering how few road miles I had this year, I was surprised at the lack of overall fatigue.  I didn't care about my time, and that's not an excuse.  It occurred to me later that the emptiness that I felt when I got off my bike for the last time on Saturday, was the cold reality of having to join civilization again - going back to life.  I actually didn't want it to end, but certainly couldn't go on either.  The actual bike time versus official time was something in the order of 90 minutes different.  Compare that to one year that I had something like 12 minutes off my bike.  I truly didn't want it to end, but I was also pretty tired after burning 650 - 800 calories an hour for 13+ hours.  I could have absolutely gone harder, but I chose to enjoy my day and sort things out in my head.

Hats off to my buddy that finished strong in his race group, as a podium 4th place.  He was principle in keeping my mind straight this summer, when I thought I would otherwise quit.  Thanks Kerry - and congrats on a killer ride!

With the season behind me, I'm already struggling to make time for the mountain bike. Clients, work and other commitments are competing with my spare time.  The ride last night was about as late as it gets without a headlamp.  Regardless, I'm currently on the hook for Leadville next summer and that will be a very serious undertaking.  There will be no real off-season this year.  But then who could have predicted what happened this past year.
Ben Lomond in the Autumn - a contrast from the picts earlier this year.

Stick around.  This is a lot to do.

Ride HARD!

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Saturday, September 12, 2020

LOTOJA 2020 in the books

A long day, but definitely a success for Huntsman 

Looks like donations were made today and last night. Wanting to address these with more detail, I will do that tomorrow - when I'm not completely wasted. As far as the race goes, success is somewhat binary; either you finish, or you don't.  It wasn't the prettiest, but it was an official finish.  I'll take it.

Start time was cold and dark.  I rolled out of Logan with a solid red tail light, arm warmers and insulated long finger gloves.  At Preston, you could see everyone's breath.  A lot of guys were only wearing open finger gloves and were having troubles shifting and braking.  The group was pretty fast and stayed intact quite away up Idaho 36.  I finally let them go about about six miles up - about 45 miles into the race. From there it was generally a long time between groups, and only got worse as the day wore on. Coming off the back side of Immigration, speeds got very fast quickly.  I hooked on to two Women's racers and finally overtook them, I stayed out front for several miles, but they dropped well before Liberty. As the day wore on, groups became harder and harder to find. Conditions tended to vary throughout the day, but generally weren't too bad.  I didn't check to see the total miles, but I think it was something closer to 204 for the day. The detour out of Hoeback was interesting.  We had to take a steep downhill onto a bridge, off a crappy gravel road.  This was after a considerable climb that no one expected. Add to this some out of the way detours at Afton and Thayne, and you had a longer, harder ride.

The last 28 miles just seemed to go on forever, but eventually I did make it in - with authority.  I can honestly report, as dark as things got today, I really never did lose focus, or drive.  I did spend a ton of time in all the feed zones, including four neutrals.  That never helps.  If I had to grade this race subjectively, I'd give it a C+.  Nothing was mailed in, but nothing was pressed too hard either.

I will also provide a more in depth review and and explanation in a few days.  For now, I'm calling to quits for the night.  I'm wasted.

Take the rest of the night off...........

Friday, September 11, 2020

Last minute details

 The Race is On - Tomorrow!

A last minute ride last night to check out the bike had a quick stop at Huntsville park.  Those shadows are sure getting long.  Feels a lot like autumn.  

Start time for my group is 06:00 - in the dark.  Groups being spaced out like they are will make for a different race dynamic. It may be harder to find groups along the way. The weather forecast looks agreeable for the most part.  It now is a matter of where the winds may shift, and at what time.  This never gets old, but I'm still as nervous as ever.  I've reviewed this ride over and over in my mind for many weeks.  There will be suffering and frustration.  It's gonna be a good day.

The Porpoise

As has become a tradition, I mark up my jersey as kind of a reminder of why I do this, as well as to honor those caught in the fight.  It is an inspiration to do this, if not a solid and sober reminder.  Donations have been a struggle this year, but I get it.  Still, the images above are about true struggle - much harder than anything I'll experience tomorrow. For some, there is no relief, where as I can choose to stop anytime.  A few weeks ago I was on my way back from Woodruff when I was thinking about this very thing.  It occurred to me that either of these two individuals have endured more than the little pain I was feeling that particular day.  From there, I thought I could focus a little harder and pull through.

I still have a lot to do before I get some sleep tonight, but I thought this important enough to stop and make this post.  I'll be leaving far too early tomorrow to risk making a post before I leave, so this is it before the race.  Just know, somebody is truly suffering and some of us have the capacity to render aid - in one form or another.  

Tune in a few days from now.  I'll try to make a post from Driggs Saturday night, but no guarantees.
Until then, here is my gift to all of you that stopped by for this post.  Thanks for being here......  Pass it along. 

"....Please turn me over."

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Any Suggestions?

What a mess!

With only a few days to go, things just seem to be getting more and more complicated.  Last night (early this morning), an epic wind storm blew through the area knocking out power.....everywhere.  This entire valley is out, as well as Ogden canyon and pretty much everywhere else you can point to on a local map.  Judging by the damage, I'd say we are looking at a couple days before we get power restored - which really complicates matters.  Add to this, the bike shop that has my Six-13 was supposed to have it ready this past Saturday.  Well, that certainly didn't happen, and now they are closed due to the power outage.  This really has me nervous and a tad bit ticked at the same time.

Proving a Point

With no road bike to ride, and lets face it, conditions too crappy to do it anyway, I did a hard sprint up the old reliable dirt trail.  Of course nobody else to be found anywhere in all of the park tonight.  As hard as I worked getting up there, I was sweating profusely and freezing at the same time.  The image above shows the snow that fell on Ben Lomond this morning.  I must say, the climb to the top met expectations all the way around.  The descent was darn cold - all the way home.  This is easily one of the best climbs on this trail I have ever had - like ever.  That only proves to me I'm not in a completely bad spot anyway.  I still may lack the road endurance, but I have plenty of leg strength and stamina.  This was very important for me personally tonight and I think it did prove the point.

Packet Pickup and Check-In

They have moved everything up, starting tomorrow.  The location has changed and there are several details that aren't important.  Just chalk it up to more things Covid.  Riding down to Centerville tomorrow to get our stuff and get started with the event.  I have also sorted through the kit and gear and have my stuff kind of thought out.   I have pair of DNA bibs with a Huntsman jersey that will be a big departure from all years past.  Not only have I never worn bibs, but this will also be the first year I haven't "flown" the company colors.  I've never been a fan of bibs, although more people use them than don't.  They've been known to complicate emergencies.......

I guess we'll see how this works.  You'll want to swing back on Friday and see what markings are on the kit this year.  You'll like it........

This internet connection through my phone is trying my patience, so lets cut it here.
Oh, before I forget - Please pass this along and lets get a few more donations before Friday.

Ride HARD!

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Last big ride before LOTOJA 2020

 Woodruff - one last time for the season

If you've followed this post in years past, you certainly understand where Woodruff fits in this whole thing.  This ride is not for someone that is not committed.  It works you both physically and mentally - like HARD!  I've lost track of how many times I've done this ride, either from home, or Huntsville - it's a lot.  I can honestly say that there has never been a single time stopping in the local store, that the people there have ever been anything less than friendly and hospitable. I'm not an easy person to impress, but I truly enjoy my time when stopping in this place. That is certainly the biggest reason I continue to do this ride year after year.  It is always bitter-sweet knowing when it is my last ride for the season to Woodruff.  For the past few years, we have come home from the Race through Randolf and Woodruff.  When we make that turn west onto SR 39, it is a hard reminder that the season is over.  Add that to the last look at Monte and it really makes me miss it.  I seem to forget about the pain......

I have ridden into a lot of towns and can tell you, none of them are like riding into Woodruff.  Most, if not all little towns in North Cache would rather ban all bike riding - period.  I've walked into some places were my kit, gets some pretty.........different reactions.  Not in Woodruff.  Just today, I roll in, wearing a Lycor kit, over stuffed pockets, Gu's jammed in my leg grippers, wearing patent leather Italian road shoes, and I'm just another guy talking about the weather, or whatever it may be.  There is a reason I enjoy this ride, and it has everything to do with the people in this community.  You guys are the thing that has made our country great, and you are awesome!  Thanks for another terrific year.

By the looks of this sign, I'd be better off going to Ogden rather than home.

The Kids Alright....

The new guy, okay call him the newer guy these days, pulled through with a donation to Huntsman.  A sizable donation at that.  He has helped Huntsman in the past, as he knows how much it means to me personally.  He also knows how "the company" put the screws to this entire effort.  Simply put, the kid (and his fam) are alright! Thanks for being a great supporter again.  It is truly appreciated.

Today's ride

Generally speaking, all rides have some specific tasks and key points.  Today's ride was to manage a full out and back - from home to Woodruff and back - about 126 miles with about 7,800 feet of climbing.  Out the door just before 06:30, the temps were cold.  Heading up SR 39, I had zero use of my fingers.  It was a good 20 miles up toward Monte before I could do anything with my fingers at all. Several places I could see my breath.  The right shifter was delayed from it being so cold. No arm or leg warmers today, just the simple Lycor kit. Rolled out with the nearly full moon just setting behind Ben Lomond Peak - kind of cool.  

I setup my RXL wheelset last night, with some R3 700 X 25 Bontragers and a 11-28 cassette.  As the day wore on the shifting cables stretched, making proper indexing next to impossible (thus the visit to the bike shop). The RXLs are considerably heavier than the DT Swiss, but they are much faster in the descents and flats.  They don't buck the wind, and actually make the wind a force to be reckoned with.  Going into Woodruff the wheels were a tab bit faster than the DTs, but also a little more unstable.  The loss of overall speed comes from having to use brakes in curves, as I'm not use to how they handle.  On the way back, they were a little easier to predict, albeit the wind was far worse than in the morning.  When coming over the shoulders (the top of Monte - see the elevation graph from last week), you hit MP 44 going west.  From that point, it is pretty much WFO for the next 12 - 14 miles.  As I was passing MP 44, I gassed it hitting 46 MPH right away.  Initially the bike felt a little funny and wasn't sure if I had the confidence to let it out.  Crossing over Little Monte, it sure didn't feel as stable as the DT's but I was also flying a bit faster.  The curves felt really good and took most of them with the brakes wide open.  By the time I went through the snowmobile parking area and Ant Flat road, it was wide open with complete confidence - wind and all.  The biggest difference with the RXL wheel set (aside from the bearings) are the bladed spokes.  Fewer than the DTs with a bladed configuration, that acts like a wing as the air passes over the wheel - maybe more like a vertical rudder.  Still, as the air flow passes over the wheels, across the spokes and the bike itself, it can create some interesting dynamic characteristics.  Add any side wind and it can adventure.  Still, I have used the RXLs for many years and the DTs for only a few.  We'll see what the conditions are like just before race day, but either way, one set will be on the bike, with the other in the truck as the backup.

Most metrics today were met satisfactorily.  The morning segment was better than the afternoon, as I was able to stay in the big ring upfront further than ever before.  The mistake today was giving up time too easily.  Dropping the bike at the shop was not in the plans, but after the shifting problems in the second half of the day, definitely a requirement.  Power to weight ratio is okay, but the VO2 max is still not where I want to be.  Perhaps the most significant deficiency is in posture fatigue. This is contributing to overall threshold issues.  At this point, I am where I am.  

The next few days will be more dirt than road.  I will run the bike after it gets out of the shop, and then include a fast tempo ride Wednesday evening (less than 40 miles).  Spin bike to keep things moving in the right directions.  Nervous - as usual.

MP 44

Whenever I pass MP 44 going up, I know I'm on the shoulders and will soon be flying.  Coming down, I know I'm on the way home.

Well, that is what's left of MP 44, but if you've been following this blog in past years, you know what that means.......... Bring it on Home!

Who can't appreciate a mic'd up Les Paul Custom with a Floyd Rose tremolo?

Stick around, some really good stuff is yet to come........

Ride HARD!