Monday, May 27, 2019



What to do?  It's been another of those years where it just wont let up.  A few years ago, I'd ride in the worst of conditions - 'till I figured out how stupid it really is.  It is risky, hard on my bikes and mostly not necessary.  There will always be times when it can't be avoided, but until then.........don't do it!

The mountain bike has been the main outfit thus far, with the spin bike getting more time.  I took the time to build up a "harsh weather" wheel-set, but still no road riding.  I've swapped out my SPD's on my spin bike for for road gear, simply to start working on form.  The MTB is good for leg strength and intervals, but it raises heck with my road form.  This morning it was pouring buckets, so I did some pretty hard spin intervals.  Followed tonight with the first trip up top of Mules Ears.  The north side is still too muddy, so I did a fast return back down the south side.  Good time, but man my legs are burning.  Dang limbs being pushed down from the snow scratched my legs up pretty good - that stings. a day at the office.

Things with Huntsman are going to take a turn very soon.  I hope for the positive, but there is a huge deficit to makeup.  I'm not really sure If it can all come together, or is it just wishful thinking.  Either way, this week is the turning point.

It's been good riding when I can get it, but the whole HHH thing is really hanging over my head.  Still, who gets to see this kind of stuff right from their own driveway?  The fact that I can get some of the best riding without ever having to drive somewhere else is great.  It comes with a price, but.........oh yeah!

Anyone else remember the fall of '80?  We lost "Bonzo" that fall, but they still released a classic.  Sometimes I wish I didn't know now, what I didn't know then.  But then, I don't think any of us could truly appreciate how good times were if we didn't have the perspective of time behind us.

Check back in about a week.  I'll layout the plan.

Until then............

Ride Hard! (when you can)