Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Call it what you will - it's not riding

That picture says it all.  No riding, except on the indoor stuff.  I don't fat bike.  You'd think otherwise, but I'm not a fan.  I'm sure has it has its place, but not really for me.  Maybe doing anything that suggests fat just makes me a bit self conscious.  Whatever.  I don't do the fat thing.

So..............another sleepless night.  Stewing over a ton of sh.........crap.  Been working on a problem for a client that I've finally cracked and now the math begins.  Trying to do phase vectors in ones head will keep anyone awake.  More so, a lot has happened this past week that just has my head spinning.  Back when I was in high school, I'd run stadium stairs several nights each week, late enough it would keep me awake for hours.  Needless to say, many hours spent listening to "Stereo X" deep-cuts, maybe playing solitaire, playing my guitar, or just mulling things over.  When you're sixteen, you can only mull so much over in your head, given I didn't even know what a phase vector was at the time.  Lots of time lost.

This past week I lost another one.  Make that several  - from my younger years.  As I write this, a dear gentlemen that I've know since moving into this valley is winding his watch for the last time.  It's nothing I can adequately describe, but that is a bunch of empty to deal with.  I need the hurt that is Monte Cristo.  My day starts in just a few more minutes and I'll move past it for now, only to forget the pain that drives me, or any of us for that matter.

To those in the Plaid of my Class; Remember Marisa and the others that have already gone. I guess we're not immortal anymore.  To all; be somebody's, anybody's hero and pass it along.  Just for a minute.  Be larger than the moment - for the moment.

Man it's dark this morning........

Ride HARD!

Click here - Not too loud

Monday, February 11, 2019


Not much for riding, in fact no riding at all.  The prospects of a successful race at "True Grit" in four weeks are grim, or non-existent.  It is what it is..............

I did spend the day yesterday, at Alta with my bro's and long supporters of HHH.  No, it wasn't getting in a few turns.  We were working, more like doing my best to try to help.  I can't call any of that work, as it is truly a break away from the realities of my day-to-day.  They were still doing control (avalanche) when I first got up there.  There is something about all of it that just takes me away.  Skiing was and will always be my first love.  The cold clear air, the deep snow and the sounds of charges echoing off the canyon...........man!

On a more real not; one of my neighbors lost his battle with the "Big-C" yesterday.  A big quiet guy, that had been fighting for a while.  They finally gave him a terminal diagnosis a couple months ago and he pushed the odds.  What to say...........  I wanna say this is why we fight, but it just keeps happening.  Sometimes it's hard to believe any of this makes a difference - at times.  For now, I'll have an image in my mind that will stick and likely frustrate me.

It all seems so empty this morning..................

I love winter, but I miss being able to ride over Monte when I need the solace.  I remember an afternoon 40+ years ago, when times were good.
This one is for you Jack!
Please be with me - Click Here

Covers off and stand.