Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Schedules and Demands

It seems to be getting harder...........

The above elevations are of a pretty good training ride.  You can see the grades I have to overcome when heading home every time, but check out the spoke bender in the middle.  Tha's right above the spillway at Causey reservoir.  I have literally busted spokes on that climb.  All things considered, the overall 48-mile ride wasn't too bad considering the circumstances.  Another week and I'll be onto some longer sustained climbs.

Scheduling is becoming a problem.  Everyone has demands and it just doesn't seem to be getting any better.  Add to that, the heat........  I need a solid four weeks and I'm not sure how I'll make it happen.  Add to all of this the lack of traction in fundraising.  It's getting pretty depressing.  I'll figure it out.  Until then, I really need to focus and be diligent.  Right now would be very easy to throw in the towel, but that ain't gonna happen.  Give it another week and I'll have an improvised plan.

Until then, the updates will continue to be sparse, as I have a ton of commitments in the next ten days.  Until then................

Ride HARD!

Sunday, June 10, 2018

This is gong to take a while..............

Slow going

Finally, a road ride.  I tired an assessment ride earlier in the week - 41 miles in the heat and wind.  2.5 hours without stopping and it was a struggle.  Normally by now, I can ride a solid 3+ hours at rate, without stopping, but not this year.  The one-hour mountain rides have resulted in some leg strength and a little stamina, but not much in overall endurance.  Still, it is progress.

Having problems standing.  Some pressure on the forward center part of my right foot really slows me down.  After stopping, the very place in the ankle where the break was, begins to ache.  Gettin on the road bike was very foreign, but it kind of came back after an hour.  Overall times for the first 90 minutes was about where I'd expect.  The overall performance was pretty weak.

Fundraising isn't happening at anywhere near the rate I'd hoped.  I supposed I'll have to try something a little different.  I'm about half of what I'd planned.  Must mean execution is lacking, or my plan was bad.  Need to figure it out - soon.

461 always takes me back.  This one is kind of easy. Click here Clapton - "Please be with me"

I'm trying - Ride HARD